Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Birthday Predictions - The Year Ahead (15 - 02 - 2017)

(For the ones who are celebrating their birthday today)

Modus of Operandi (Deployed for Predictions)

This is an attempt to look ahead in to the next one year for those who are born on this day. The predictions are mainly based on Numerology while smatterings of Vedic astrology also is included for prediction purpose. Readers may please note that Vedic system of Numerology has been taken in to consideration instead of Western thus the numbers may represent planets differently.

The Year Number

The number which may represent the year ahead for those who are born today is 9. The number 9 is arrived at from the life path number of today’s date. That is; today being the 15th Feb of 2017 the single number derived out by totaling the date is 1+5+0+2+2+0+1+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9. Since 9 becomes the total number of this date the ruling number for the coming one year time for the ones born on this date will be 9. Your year number being 9, the year ahead is been ruled by Ketu for you.

Projection for the year ahead

The year lord Ketu is in the 6th from transit Moon. Ketu is conjoined with Sun while having aspect from Saturn the sign lord also. Mars and Venus are in the 2nd house from Ketu while Moon and Jupiter in the 8th house.

The conjunction of Mars the 10th lord with Venus the 9th lord from the year lord in the 2nd house where the 9th lord cum Yogakaraka Venus been exalted are highly auspicious for your profession. Professional life will be excelling. There will be promotion and elevation in your work status by the months of May June of 2017. Your performances will be highly appreciated and also bearing fruits in each step. You may enjoy the cordial relationship with your colleagues and superiors while your sub-ordinates will support you to the maximum. Financially the year ahead may not be much promising. The income will be good and also will be getting increased by the months of May-June but unexpected expenditures will keep your added income in vain. The health of one of your family member will be going through many ups and downs which may be the cause for unexpected expenditures.

Family and personal life will be average as your good deeds will be taken reversal by your family almost every time leaving you frustrated in your personal life. One of your friend may turn to be a foe in this year due to your inability to provide the financial aid requested to you. Health wise also there may be many ups and downs bringing a chequered flow in your career. Anyway financially the situation might improve from the month of Oct 2017.  

Good Luck

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