Sunday, 28 August 2016

How is September 2016 for you?

Hi All,

Please note that the predictions given below for each sign are the outcome of planetary trends based on transits for a sign in general. Based on the planetary influences and directions in one’s own chart these results may get moderated or even overruled to the fullest. In case of contrary results or for taking a specific and important decision based on astrology you may have your personalized chart reading done by an expert.
Warm Regards,

Bijesh Menon.

Aries (Mesha)
(Ashwini, Bharani & Kritika 1st quarter)

A month filled with agonies. Many things will go wrong at the work place. A dispute arising with one of your colleague will keep you agitated throughout the month probably due to the disappearance of an important document which was under your tutelage. Also the possibilities for a rift with one of your superior is in store which could break out as a result of the sudden change in role assigned to you. Financially the stress from the recent past will be stretched out to this month also. Personal relationships may go awry. Married ones will be suffering much as the strings of the family too is inducing loathing tunes. Children might become a cause for worry either due to their health or due their disorderly conduct. Health will expose you to edginess due to  indigestion and prolonging pain in your bone joints.

Taurus (Vrishabha)
(Kritika Last 3 quarters, Rohini & Mrighasira first 2 quarters)

Salvation are on its way and the awareness about the same will be bringing a sigh of relief for you. The sub-current evolving in the professional sphere is turning in to your favour gradually paving way to diminish the apprehensions you had since last six months or so. The reinstatement of your previous role with added freedom and power will comfort you from the stress you were subject to since an year or so. A superior or a colleague who was getting under your skin all the while will either get transferred or may ultimately leave the organization. Family life will be sailing through many ups and downs especially with your spouse but you will be able to have control over the ship. Money flow will be good thus you will rejoice life much in the month ahead.  Health wise the month will stay moderate.

Gemini (Mithuna)
(Mrighasira last 2 quarters, Aridra & Punarvasu first 3 quarters)

For Gemini born this would be a month with so-so trends. You will start having an unknown fear about the future of your profession. You will have either a transfer in your work place. The change will take shape either in the form of a change in place or a change in the role of your work. The relationship with the co-workers will become sour as the month advances. A tendency to look for a job change is in store but it is not advisable astrologically. The financial position will be deteriorating day by day as unexpected expenses will keep thinning your finances. Those who are planning to buy lands or properties or who is planning to initiate construction of a new house or building should postpone it for a few months. Personal life and family life will be staying moderate but may development of a new friendship can be expected. Health wise it is not a good month as minor accidents and injuries are foreseen though nothing major would befall.

Cancer (Kataka)
(Punarvasu last quarter, Pushyami & Aslesha)

Cancer borns should be holding their nerves now. There was a positive trend especially in your finances and profession prevailing since last one year or so which will prompt you to move ahead with a couple of plans you have towards your future. This month onward slowly the equilibrium will be fading and it will reach its peak in the coming months. Considering this it is advisable that you keep your plans for the future aside for a while and be with the current flow. Do not initiate anything now nor try to expand your current activities. Financial flow will start getting obstructed a bit but still you will be much under control of your finances and will keep managing the show. Personal life along with family life will be running smoothly. Health wise the month ahead is a bit adverse as you might minor injuries and also you will be prone to fire burns.

Leo (Simha)
(Magha, Poorva Phalguni & Utra Phalguni first quarter)

An excellent month ahead for all born under the sign Leo. The transit of Jupiter is paving way for many good things for you in this month and also in the months to follow. Professionally there will be a positive turn. Your wish to have a change in your profession since long will be getting materialized in this month. The new job will be a good one for you in every aspect as it will provide you an elevated position and also a good hike in your income. Those who are anticipating ancestral properties or assets will be able to secure it in this month. The money flow will be good. You should be very careful about handling money as the heavy flow of money may tend you to be profligate. Your family life will be going through many vicissitudes. Though no serious issues are taking place, things are getting worse in the background and you could sense it well too.

Virgo (Kanya)
(Utra Phalguni last quarter, Hastha & Chitra first 2 quarters)

There wil be much relief in this month from the issue you are subject to since last few months. Though there won’t be much change in the scenario professionally there will be a ceasefire. The superior who was causing much struggles for you will change their attitude towards you. One of your colleague who was backstabbing you whenever possible will be moving away from the scene providing you much relief. Your financial situation is bad since last 8-10 months which will be carry forward in this month too. You will meet one of your old friend who will be willing to extend his/her help to you in both professionally and financially though the help might reach you on a later stage. You relationship with your spouse and family will be cordial. Health wise this will be normal month though the possibilities of sudden issues developing in the stomach region cannot be ruled out.

Libra (Thula)
(Chitra last 2 quarters, Swathi & Vishakha first 3 quarters)

The movements of Jupiter in to the 12th house in transit is going to be much adverse for you. Long standing issues may slowly initiating in this month. There will be some allegations arising against you. The mistakes found in the money transactions within your organization will be falling on to your head which in fact would have nothing to do with you. Also some misunderstandings with superiors and colleagues will add fuel to the situation. Your inability to prove your innocence will make you much irritated. In personal life also things will be taking shape in similar lines. Your spouse will have misunderstandings about your relationship with someone from the opposite sex which may bring much turmoil in the family life. Financially the bad run will be continued while health will be staying stable.

Scorpio (Vrischika)
(Vishakha last quarter, Anuradha & Jyeshta)

The ones who are born under the sign Scorpio is under going Sade-sathi. That too Saturn was retrograde over natal Moon. This would have caused many hurdles in your personal as well as professional life since last 6 months. Many adverse situations kept forming one after another in this period which was keeping you pensive throughout. You must felt the need of a break from the stretch since last couple of months. Anyway since Saturn is out of his retrogression and Jupiter too is in your favour you will have a sudden relief from almost all the issues you were facing since long.  Professionally the agitation about your promotion will be ending now as the much awaited promotion will be declared at this month. Financial problems will be continued but with the increased income and also the indications of some funds coming in your way in near future will enable you to face it with more confidence. Personal life will be getting steadied up while health will be so-so with a kind of weakness and drowsiness.

Sagittarius (Dhanu)
(Moola, Poorva Shaada & Utra Shaada 1st quarter)

For Sagittarius born this will be a period of transmutation. Your professional life will be witnessing many changes in this month which you would have least anticipated. You will be either asked to accept a changed role which may equivalent to stepping down a position from the current one or there will be unachievable responsibilities imposed upon you. You will slowly understand that the entire change in atmosphere is aimed at downplaying you. Its time for you to have a revision on your future plans regarding profession and slowly start working towards it. Financially the ups and downs are going to pursue. You need to be careful as there will be helping hands for you wherever you look up to but considering the adverse trends foreseen in the months to come it is advisable that you limit increasing your liabilities. Family and personal life will be moderate while health will be staying stable.

Capricorn (Makara)
(Utra Shaada last 3 quarters, Sravana & Dhanishta first 2 quarters)

If you were wishing to go abroad and did a lot for the same only to see everything going in vain in the past, this would be the right period to work towards the same. Professionally it will be a good period. A promotion though not of much significance is on your way. You will start feeling much confident and also your performances will be touching precision throughout the month. The financial situation will improve much as the money flow will be good. Those who are in to real estate may keep their activities low in this month as the possibility to incur loses are high. Business people can try to establish their business in abroad as this would be period in which they will succeed. Personal life will be having much harmony. Healthwise you need to be careful as the initiation of chronic health issues like diabetics or high blood pressure are high in this month.

Aquarius (Kumbha)
(Dhanishta last 2 quarters, Satabhisha & Poorva Bhadra first 3 quarters)

All the Aquarius born must be paying much attention towards their family life now. The transit of Rahu in the 7th house along with the aspect of Saturn and also Jupiter moved in to the 8th house are all adverse for the personal life. There will be disputes and even verbal exchanges between you and your spouse. You may feel very frustrated and low due to the events taking place in your marital life. Your spouse may come to the verge of separating from you. If you do not handle the situation with care things may really take an ugly turn. Professionally too things are not going to be much supportive. There will be some errors taking place from your end in your work which may not be taken seriously by others but it will haunt you much. Financially and health wise the situation will stay moderate.

Pisces (Meena)
(Poorva Bhadra Last quarter, Utra Bhadra & Revathi)

Pisces born are admirers of peace and happiness in the personal life and if there is a slight contretemps in the equilibrium you will lose all your balance in life. Last couple of years was really adverse for you as there was many issues in your personal life. You would had indifference with almost all your close ones. This month would pave way for refabrication all your personal relationships which was much sour. That wil help you to change your attitude towards life which will reflect in every other sector of life.  There will be a new opening coming up in your profession which will be ending your agony as the new job will be satisfying for you in every respect. There will be much inflow of money. Health wise this will be a moderate situation but you need to be careful about excess of heat building inside your body.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Monthly Predictions

Hi All,

I have been thinking of refurbishing my blog with monthly predictions for each sign (Moon based) since long. Due to various constraints I have been restraining myself from initiating the same. Anyway I have decided to move on with the Monthly predictions in my blog. In the last week of every month the predictions for the upcoming month will be updated in the blog. I would welcome your views and suggestions about it, if you have any. Looking forward for your kind co-operation and support,
Warm Regards,

Bijesh Menon

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga

We have been discussing about Rajayoga since last few sessions wherein we obtained an understanding that there are three classifications of Rajayoga namely Maha Rajayoga, Neechabhanga Rajayoga and Vipreetha Rajayoga and in the last 2 sessions we were discussing Maha Rajayoga in detail. Now let us have an insight into the next section, the Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga, a typically natured Rajayoga, a distinctive feature of Vedic Astrology which is been either unexplored or been discussed only in patches without a systematic approach to it till date. Thus I believe that a discussion here about this unexplored fiefdoms of Vedic astrology would be of benefit for all who dabbles with astrology, I mean the students, researchers and professionals alike.
Let’s start......

The Effects of Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga

As mention in the earlier notes on Rajayoga, Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga too provides one with Fame, Wealth and Power generally. But all the said prosperities will be enjoyed by the native only in the second half of life especially after the age 36 corresponding to the age when the yoga promoting dasha, sub period and transits takes place in one’s chart. This typical nature is attributed this Yoga because teh planet who cause Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga is subject to debilitation first and then attains the cancellation. Likewise the natives life too would suffer adversities in the initial part of life and then will start excelling.

Acquiring much fame among vast number of peoples and several communities along with holding a good image are the outcome of this Yoga. One will be well known within his/her personal, professional and social circles. Whatever they do brings a good repute for them and people generally like them for what they are. They will amass huge wealth and start producing many sources of income once the Rajayoga is in operation. They will also hold power in life. There will be many waiting to take orders from them once the Yoga is operational.

The Definitions & Controversies

When a planet is in Neecha (debilitation) and attains Bhanga (cancellation) from his state of Neecha (debilitation) then it is called as Neecha Bhanga and a planet who has secured Neecha bhanga (Cancellation of debilitation) is bound to provide Rajayoga results to the natives thus it is called as Neecha bhanga Rajayoga. Whether a planet attaining Neecha Bhanga would always be capable of producing Rajayoga is a debatable matter which we will be discussing at an apposite place below.  Anyway let us have a gaze through the definitions which are most common in practice.

When a planet is in debilitation and

1)  The Lord of that sign where the planet is getting debilitated should be in a Kendra (Quadrant) either from Lagna or Moon.

2)  The planet who gets exalted there (in the sign where a planet is getting debilitated) is in a Kendra either from Lagna or Moon.

3)  The lord of the sign where the debilitated planet in concern could get exalted should be in Kendra either from lagna or Moon.

4)  The lord of that sign where the planet is getting debilitated should be having aspect or conjunction with the planet in debilitation.

5)  The lord of that sign where the planet is getting debilitated and also the lord of the sign where the debilitated planet could attain exaltation, these two should be in mutual Kendra (Quadrants) or trikona (Trines) to each other.

6)  The debilitated planet should be exalted in Navamsa.

The above are definitions mentioned in the ancient texts for forming Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga and may not be true in actual practise always. There are so many other parameters we need to take in to consideration to have a final conclusion whether the cancellation of debilitation (Neecha Bhanga) taking place as per verbatim is in operation or not.  Anyway before we get in to the technicalities of the yoga let us have look at the controversies existing about definitions of the yoga.

There are controversies about the definitions mentioned above. For example the definitions mentioned in clause no 2 & 3, which one to take in actual practice is always a matter for debate among different schools of Vedic Astrology. A set of schools of Vedic astrology believe that it is the lord of the planet where the debilitated planet could get it’s exaltation (mentioned in 3) should be taken in to consideration while others believe that it is the planet who gets exalted at the sign where a planet gets debilitated (Clause 2) should be taken in to consideration for determining the Neecha bhanga. Score of horoscopes examined by me forces me to conclude that the conditions applied in both clauses holds good. Depending upon the power and position held by these two enables either of the them to become more stronger and more benefic in nature which empowers themselves to become the saviour of a debilitated planet. 

Meanwhile yet another controversy regarding the definition is whether the planet in concern mentioned in clauses 1, 2 and 3 could be posited in a Kendra either from Lagna or Moon or from Moon alone. Some are of the opinion that the planet in concern mentioned in above clauses are to be posited in a Kendra from Moon alone and it couldn’t be considered from Lagna. I am of the opinion that either Lagna or Moon could be taken for consideration for counting the position of a planet in concern.  

Judging It’s Exsitence

We know that there are 9 planets in use in Vedic astrology, out of which only 7 planets could be subject to Neecha and subsequently for Neecha Bhanga too. Rahu and Ketu are exempted from being Neecha or Neecha Bhanga since they are deviod of ownership of houses and also don’t have exaltation or debilitation houses though many schools of astrology strongly believe otherwise assigning Taurus and Scorpio as signs of exaltations respectively for Rahu and Ketu thus the same signs becoming the sign of debilitation for each other. Anyway I think we don’t need to include Rahu and Ketu here as I am of the strong opinion that Rahu and Ketu are not capable of producing Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga. Let us see what happens with the other planets....

Strength of Neecha Bhanga conferring planet

While considering a planet in debilitation for Neecha Bhanga first and foremost importance has to be given to the other planet who could constitute Neecha Bhanga. If the said planet is powerless then the Neecha Bhanga could exist only theorotically. For example; If Jupiter is debilitated and the Lord of debilitation sign that is Saturn is in the sign Leo in an enemy sign owned by Sun then Saturn cannot constitute Neecha bhanga for Jupiter. Supposing Saturn is in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon still Saturn will be unable to cause cancellation of debilitation for Jupiter. If the Lagna or Moon for such a case happens to be Taurus or Aquarius then Saturn would be either the Yogakaraka or 1st lord for that chart still his ability to cause Neecha Bhanga will be very much limited. In such a case of Jupiter only if other factors which could confer Neecha bhanga are strongly posited could help Jupiter to attain Neecha Bhanga. Likewise if the other planets who could confer Neecha Bhanga for Jupiter are also posited ill then the chances for Jupiter to have Neecha Bhanga with the help of these planets are rules out. So the planets being in strength who could confer Neecha Bhanga for a debilitated planet is very essential for conferring the same.

Lordship of the Planet who attains the Neecha Bhanga; Does it matters?

If we go by experience it may not be necessarily matter if the planet be in a good house. In many cases it is been seen that planets who owns inimical houses and placed in debilitation but in a good house and also subject to Neecha Bhanga then the said planet definitely confers rajayoga. This is been born out to be true in various cases examined by me. For example; If Sun is debilitated in the 10th house for Capricorn Lagna then it will be the 8th lord debilitated in the 10th house. If Sun attains Neecha Bhanga in that chart then irrespective of the fact that Sun is the 8th lord the most powerful Dusthana, Sun will go on to confer Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga for the native on the appropriate period in life. Being the 8th lord posited in the 10th house he would be causing severe obstacles for the native’s career till the Rajayoga comes in to action but once it gets in to operation Sun will make sure that the native is been elevated to the highest peaks in life.

We can see that if the planet attaining Neecha Bhanga happens to be in a Kendra or a Kona from the Lagna or Moon then the said planet will definitely confer Rajayoga to the native irrespective of the planet’s lordship over houses. Apart from Kendra and Trikona houses, the natural benefic planets though owning an inimical house will be capable of producing Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga if attained cancellation of debilitation in the 2nd house while the same holds good for natural malefic planets in the 3rd and 11th houses. If we fall back to the clause No 4 we can see that the planet in debilitation and it’s depositer lord are taken in to account. In such cases the planet in debilitation should be preferably posited in a Kendra or Trikona while the depositer should be either conjunct there or should have aspect over there from a house other than Dusthana.

From the above we can see that the position of the planet who attains Neecha Bhanga matters the most than his lordship in providing Rajayoga.

The Best Combinations

The above said were mainly banked upon the combinations mentioned in clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4 while in actual pratice it is been found that the combinations mentioned in the clauses no 5 and 6 the most reliable in predicting Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga.

As per clause No 5 mentioned above, the lord of debilitation and the lord of exaltation signs of a debilitated planet are required to be either in a Kendra or in a Trikona from each other to confer Neecha Bhanga for a debilitated planet. By being either in a Kendra or in a Trikona from each other these two planets will become temporal friends to each other for that chart eventhough they are natural enemies. This brings in a harmony between the exaltation and debilitation lords of a debilitated planet thus causing him a much comfortable situation where the debility of a planet fades away leading to cancellation of debilitation. Anyhow these two planets needs to have good strength and also needs to be away from Dusthanas to produce desired results.

The exaltation in Navamsa of a planet who is posited in the debilitation sign in Rashi chart is also considered to be one among the combination for a debilitated planet to have Neecha Bhanga. As far as I am concerned this could be the most reliable combination in ascertaining whether a debilitated planet has attained Neecha Bhanga or not. Only if the planet attaining Neecha Bhanga as per this combination happens to be in a dusthana would be deprived from the capacity of producing Rajayoga.

Neech Bhanga or Neech Bhanga Rajayoga

There is confusion among different schoold of Vedic astrology whether a debilitated planet attaining Neecha Bhanga could always produce Rajayoga? Some say that a planet which attained Neecha Bhanga is always capable of producing Rajayoga while others are of the opinion that it may not be necessarily so. I prefer the latter version. As mentioned in the above lines a planet though attaining Neecha Bhanga but posited in a duthana generally doesn’t cause Rajayoga though there are exception for this too. So all the Neecha Bhanga may not be necessarily be Rajayoga.

Moon an Exception

I have to mention a rare phenomen regarding the Neecha Bhanga of Moon which will be noteworthy and also may made subject for further experiments and researches whoever wish to. Let me also mention here that I am indebted to an unknown author (whose name I forgot) from whose article I have noticed this point which I am broaching to my readers now which was published in Astrological Magazine many decades ago.  The author claims that Moon can never attain Neecha bhanga if happens to be in his sign of debilitation in Rashi chart as being posited in Scorpio (Moon’s sign of debilitation) Moon could never acquire the position in Taurus (Moon’s exaltation sign) in Navamsa chart; True since Navamsa of a planet posited in Scorpio starts from the sign Cancer and ends at Pisces in clockwise direction thus Moon’s Navamsa would never fall in Taurus if he is posited in Scorpio in Rashi chart. The author goes on with the claim that all the other planets has a chance to secure the exaltation position in Navamsa chart while being posited in debilitation sign in Rashi chart meanwhile Moon alone is deprived from such an opportunity which is a clear cut indication that the planet Moon if debilitated cannot attain Neecha Bhanga even if other combinations are favouring for the same. I have been trying to see the applicability of this principle in various charts examined by me and I must admit that the principle has proved right in majority of the cases though there were exceptions. I leave it to the wisdom of my esteemed readers for taking this rule in to confidence.

Neecha Planets in Vargothama

Yet another point where clarity is lacking regarding the Neecha Bhanga of planets is when a planet is debilitated in a chart and subject to Vargothama too (Vargothama – Having posited in the same sign in both Rashi and Navamsa chart). As per Vedic astrology a planet being Vargothama obtains prodigious powers to shower benefic results upon the native. Based on this prinicple a bunch of Vedic astrologers are of the opinion that If a debilitated planet is in Vargothama then that alone would enable a debilitated planet to attain Neecha Bhanga.

As far as I am concerned this cannot be relied upon due to a couple of factors. Mainly because whether the Vargothama powers can be attributed to a debilitated planet itself is a highly debatable matter and I will be discussing about that later separately. Secondly even if there are planetary combinations present in a chart which constitutes Neecha Bhanga for a debilitated planet who is having Vargothama too, we cannot expect the planet to have attained Neecha Bhanga because even when the planet has attained Neecha Bhanga in Rashi chart the planet will be debilitated in Navamsa and we know how important the power of a planet in Navamsa matters. But if a planet who is debilitated and Vargothama has attained Neecha bhanga in both Rashi and Navamsa charts powerfully then we can expect the planet to have attained Neecha Bhanga but such occassions would be rare.

Neecha Planets in Retrogression

The nature of a planet when he is in retrogression is a vast subject to discuss and needs to elaborated solely in an article which I will be doing soon. Anyway since we are bound to make an understanding about what happens to debilitated planets who is retrograde also let us have a brief look.

Generally when a planet is in retrogression he is acquires power but whether the power acquired will be diverted towards good deeds or otherwise is the question in concern here. Eventhough a planet is a temporal benefic in a chart but a natural malefic then his retrogression is not going to help as the power acquired will be used for adverse purposes. Meanwhile a natural benefic planet though happens to be a temporal malefic in a chart if becomes retrograde then he will be tend to produce more beneficial results acquired through retrogression. So in a chart if a natural malefic is in debilitation but if in retrograde motion too then he might not produce the Rajayoga results even if subject to Neecha Bhanga meanwhile a natural benefic planet if attains Neecha Bhanga then he will produce strong Rajayoga results if in retrogression.

Debilitated Planets in Mutual Aspect

Some Vedic Astrologers have an opinion that if two debilitated planets are in mutual aspect then that alone could confer Rajayoga. They claim that since both are in need to get rid of their state of debilitation they might help each other in attaining Neecha Bhanga. We willl have to simply reject this claim as we know now that a planet deviod power cannot be of help to another who is in need. This is as false as believing that two blind men standing on either sides of a road in search of help could help each other in crossing a road.

Time of Frutification

High amount of caution is a must while fixing up the time period when the Neech Bhanga Rajayoga would start operating in a chart if it is present.  In many cases it is been found that in the sub period of a planet which is comes first after the age of 35 who is posited in the Nakshatra (Star/Constellation) of the planet who is causing Neech Bhanga Rajayoga will be start providing the Yoga results and the native will start getting benefitted out of it. Meanwhile is the transit Jupiter which is through a good house from natal Moon should also influence the natal position of the sub period lord by then. If an adverse transit of Saturn is influencing the natal position of the sub period lord then the Rajayoga might not trigger then. On such occassions the native will have to wait till the occurance of such a combined planetary infuence taking place next time for the Rajayoga to get triggered.

Please Heed

I hope I have been able to cover at least the major portions of the topic though not in it’s entirety.  I would have missed a few points in my scrutiny which my esteemed readers may deem to be valid. If so, I always welcome whoever wish to pinpoint where I have missed to look into. Also there must be places where a few might disagree and have indifferences which are also welcomed for further explorations.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Rahu-Ketu in Transit (Effects in Leo & Aquarius)

(Based on Sun Signs)

Rahu-Ketu, the shadowy planets are considered to be inflicting adverse effects on most of the occasions though there are exceptions where they would provide beneficial effects too. Irrespective of the branch/aspect of astrology is in consideration most of the placements of Rahu-Ketu are bound to cause adverse effects. Currently Rahu-Ketu are transiting through Leo and Aquarius (Rahu through Leo and Ketu through Aquarius) from on 30th Jan 2016 and will complete their transit through these signs by 18th Aug 2017 for a period of 18 months. Jupiter will be conjunct to Rahu in Leo till 11th Aug 2016 and also will be having aspect over Ketu till he moves out of Leo. Saturn too will be casting his glance over Rahu in this transit of Rahu except for a period of 6 months between 28th Jan 2017 and 21st June 2017.

Leo, a fiery and a war like nature sign owned by Sun through which the transit of Rahu is supposed to inflate adversities but him being conjunct to Jupiter till Aug of 2016, will make him less maleficent till the conjunction is on. But Saturn influencing Rahu from the sign Scorpio, a sign which is mystic in nature and known for it’s undercurrents will intensify the flames of Rahu. Keeping this predicament caused by the transit of Rahu-Ketu in view lets scrutinize the affects of it in various sectors of life for each of you based on your Sun signs.


This transit of Rahu and Ketu respectively falling in 5th and 11th houses from your Sun sign will fallout immense mental agonies for you. There will be tensions in each personal relation as you will feel like everyone is keeping a distance from you for unknown reasons; In fact it will be just obverse of the factual born out of your cloudy mind. Rahu causes many suspicions in your mind now and you will be worried on account of illusory plights.

Meanwhile the transit of Ketu through the 11th house is good which will help you to have a footing. The income will be good throughout this transit but may have checkered flow after Aug of 2016 as Jupiter will be out of the sign Leo by then falling in to the 6th house from your natal sign and also leaving the grip over both Rahu and Ketu. The professional life will stay afloat though you would feel that the relations from the professional front are going sour. You should make sure that your hobnobs with the opposite sex is not leaving a false feeling inside of someone in your professional circle who would take your trait of taking liberty on others as your manifestation of love. Those who are having natal Venus afflicted in their chart by the current transit of Saturn now should be more careful.   To sum up this could be an year more than just average but the strolls of your cloudy mind would leave an impression that the transit is an adverse one.


Rahu and Ketu are transiting through the 4th and 10th houses respectively. The 4th house is the house of domestic life and Rahu transiting through it that too under influence of Saturn is highly adverse for the family and domestic life. Your natural prowess for forbearing would be tested in this transit of Rahu. You might be taken aback realizing that the generosity you showered and the perturbation you have about those whom you considered to be the most important in your life were all going in vain. This might even have an huge impact on your thinking process and may change your attitude towards those around you for the rest of your life. If you are having your natal 4th house from ascendant in your chart afflicted by current transit of Saturn then the adversities will intensified. All Taurus born needs to be very cautious in the marital life as this would a period where your relation with spouse may go sour if not handled with utmost care as the planetary influences especially the transits of Rahu and Saturn are prone to cause indifference between you two.

On other hand Ketu in the 10th house might cause turmoil in professional life. There will be many clashes with the superiors as you would be assigned some new tasks in your work which won’t of your interest. You will have a kind of feeling that you have been of cornered in your profession and your frustrations would be intensified when your attempts to find a new job too happens to meet with failures. To conclude this would be an adverse period all around and needs your natural ability to tolerate and be patient at every level to move through it and come out unscathed.


For Gemini born this transit of Rahu-Ketu would be a good one in general as Rahu would be transiting through the 3rd house which is adjudged to be a good one while Ketu through the 9th house is going to be average. Opportunities in the professional life will flock in throughout this transit and the problem you might face would be in taking a decision to chose from the wide range. You will lack clarity in analyzing the merits and demerits of the opportunities around which will lead to inability in taking a decision. Anyhow the months of Oct-Nov of 2016 will see you are having a change in your career which would be a great leap in your career. If Jupiter in transit is influencing your natal 10th house or Lord then the professional life will be much benefited. Financial prosperity also can be expected now. Anyway this transit also would make you a bit aggressive towards others and that may have to be controlled with a conscious efforts otherwise it might take it’s toll on your profession.

Ketu transiting through 9th house generally produces a mixture of events. It is a beneficial transit as far as spiritual life is concern. You will have chances to go to many temples and holy places. You will come in connection to religious and social organizations and also might get elected to hold prestigious positions within. Meanwhile this transit would cause adversities in the materialistic side of life. Your father or an important person from the paternal side would pass away and also the ones whom you consider as Guru in your life would have a stiffened period with you.


The benchmark of this transit is the ups and downs in almost all sectors of life. Rahu is transiting through the 2nd house where he is having the aspect from Saturn who is in turn posited in the 5th house. Children might become a cause for worry. Those couples who are awaiting a childbirth might have to go through a tough time as there will be many odds they will be subject to. Most of them may find difficulties in getting conceived while the conceived ones may have complications too. Those who are blessed with children might have issues on account of them either by the means of children’s ill health or their irresponsible attitude towards life. Professionally the atmosphere might be unhappy but you will prefer to continue in the current place as you will be hopeful of a better future soon. There will be many hitches in the flow of money but you will still be able to manage the show.  

The transit of Ketu in the 8th house from your sign is adverse for the health. There are chances for a minor accident between the months of June and Aug of 2016. You might develop health issues related to bone system of the body especially in your leg region at this transit. Also those who are anticipating ancestral assets may have it by the months of May-June 2016. Especially those who have the sub period of a well posited 8th lord will enjoy the benefits from the ancestral assets. Meanwhile a dispute with your sibling on account of ancestral assets are also to be anticipated. You can conclude that this transit is a good one though will force you to move through the odds it will help you to gain important things in life.


In the beginning it will seem dark all around but slowly and steadily the fog will start fading away paving way for the bright rays.

This transit of Rahu in the 1st house that too when Saturn moving through the 4th and Jupiter through the 1st house itself is going to cause a holocaust in your life bringing all your natural courage and self confidence down to the bottom. You will get frustrated to the core as almost every sector of life will seem to be facing vicissitudes. You will be aspiring for a change in job since a year or so and this transit wouldn’t be helping you initially to find success in your attempts. Those who have an afflicted 10th house or lord and also subject to concurrent dasha and sub period may suffer loss of job and may have to stay jobless between May and Aug of 2016. But towards the end of the year 2016 you will be able to overcome the situation and fulfill your wish to find a good job.

Ketu is transiting through the 7th house which is adverse for all kinds of relationships in life. Those who are married may have a bumpy period especially till about Nov 2016. Those who are singles may have to wait till the beginning of 2017 for finding your soulmate. Business partnerships may suffer. Many journeys related profession will be taking place but most of it will turn out to be fruitless. If you are planning to move abroad this would be a beneficial period. Overall this transit could be more of an adverse one though some beneficial events too will be taking place in the latter half of it.


Virgo natives will be benefiting from this transit as Rahu will be over the 12th house and Ketu will be over the 6th house from their sign which are good.  Some one who is envious about you at your work place may cook up an allegation against you regarding money matters which may bring dishonor to you in the professional sphere. But slowly and steadily you will get out of it and by the last quarter of 2016 you will be able to prove your innocence explicitly.

This transit may cause much mental turmoil leading to development of health issues for you. There are chances for issues related to eye sight. Sufficient care has to be care towards health otherwise there might be initiation of chronic health issues related to blood system of the body like diabetics or blood pressure. Those who have afflicted and weak Jupiter and also the current transit of Jupiter influencing the natal position of Jupiter should be highly careful about their health now. Unexpected loses in business or investments has to be taken care but you need not worry much about it as you will be able to manage the damage as it would be well within your limits.


A good transit for those born under the sign Libra. Unexpected gains and a good flow of money in life will help you to be happy especially in the beginning of this transit when Jupiter too would be supportive in transit. There will be an increase income between the months of May and July of 2016. Those who are having appropriate planetary combinations in their chart with respective planetary directions on now are having chances to win lotteries or lucky drips in the second quarter of 2016. Professionally too it will be a good transit as you will have an elevation in your career especially in the second quarter of 2016. Your wishes to go abroad in connection to profession will get materialized by the latter half of 2016.  

Ketu in the 5th house will cause some mental turmoil but nothing would be serious. Health of children might be a concern. Meanwhile the success of your children in their field will bring in happiness too. Your health will stay good throughout this transit provided there are no severe afflictions in your chart related to health. You will have more calmness of mind and it would be a right period to initiate meditation or any kind of practice to strengthen your mind. Personal life will be marked with happiness as your relationships at personal level will stay cordial throughout.


This is going to be a tough transit for scorpions especially in the professional front. Your ego and pride will be touched and you will feel very low especially when it comes to your profession throughout this period. Your performances will be affected and you may even start lacking enthusiasm towards life. You will be facing severe financial problems too at this period. Uncontrollable expenses and the commitments to be met time to time all together will take you to almost an unbearable situation. You will need to keep your faith in yourself of crossing this adverse period without getting shattered which alone will help you to be unscathed. Also make sure that you are not taking any hasty decision in your career especially leaving the current one till mid of Sept of 2016. If you are planning to enter into business or already in to business and have plans for expansions then it is advised that you keep your plans aside till Feb of 2017 as you are prone to face heavy loses if goes ahead with your plans till the said period.   

Ketu is transiting through your 4th house thus not a good period for you to have any kind of transactions in properties. Till Aug-Sept of 2016 it is not advisable for you to invest in properties if you are planning to while it also not advisable for selling if you are plans are that way. Domestic life will be marked with the influx of both happy and unhappy events. Overall an adverse period through which you need to walk through cautiously in each step you take.


There are a lot going to happen in this transit for the ones born in Sagittarius. Rahu is transiting through the 9th house thus it could be a period of aggressive thrust forward in your career especially between the months of April and July of 2016. You will be taking a few decisions with respect to your profession involving a bit of risks. But you will be highly enthusiastic and confident of a positive outcome which will push you to take aggressive decisions ignoring the objections and concerns of those around you. God willing, the moves you make now will benefit you in long run though it may not provide you the desired results immediately.

Ketu transiting through the 3rd house is average. It is supposed to cause unknown fears about future, disputes with kith and kin, and also health issues. Some kind of pain on the shoulder and neck region would develop now which may prolong too though it may not take a serious toll. You will face problems to express your side properly which will benefit your opponent at disputes thus have a proper preparation whenever you have to enter in to a compromise talk. Investment plans needs to be postponed throughout this transit. Overall there are positive turns occurring beneath the surface while over the surface you might have to counter many odds.


Rahu is transiting through your 8th house thus this is a period you will need to pay much attention towards your health. Health issues related to digestive system and also your breathing organs are highly possible at this transit. You should be careful around the last quarter of 2016 as you prone to have an accident then which would be a minor one but may upset you professionally and personally.

Ketu is transiting through the 2nd house the house of speech and family. You might have issues with your family as there will occur difference opinion and importantly you will have to face a spate of issues within family in various form. You have to control your speech as you are prone to speak very harshly and make one and all around you to feel enmity towards you. The 2nd house where Ketu in transit is posited is the house of money too. This would be period of struggles in finances too. Your income would be good and stable but the unexpected expenditures would cause much imbalance in the financial front.


Aquarius born are known for their fast and deep thinking abilities along with their power of intuition which always helps them to look far deep in to the future in advance and also to take proper decisions and moves accordingly. But this transit of Ketu in the 1st house will prevent you from enjoying your natural thinking abilities rather will put you under frustration due to the lack of clarity in estimating the trends. Professionally there will be gradual growth and much consolidation. Financially there might exist an up and down situation but won’t be beyond your limit.

Rahu posited in the 7th house would be more troublesome. Rahu in the 7th house would cause much damage to your marital life. Your spouse may show tendencies of keeping a distance from you.  There might be a few indifference existing between you and your spouse since long which might reach its peak now. The things about which you both kept silence since long may burst out and may lead to a serious threat for your marital life. You will need to be highly patient and tactful throughout this transit otherwise you will have to pay the price for it as there may take serious turns in marital life.


Pisces born will be the most benefited from this transit of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu transiting through the 6th house denotes victory over enemies. You will have the chance to overcome all the difficulties you were facing in professional, financial and personal front since last few years slowly as this transit advances. You will be better posited both financially and professionally towards the end of the year 2016 and the positive trends would began from the middle of the year itself.

Ketu is in the 12th house which is good for spiritual advancement as well as having prosperity in the materialistic life. You will have chances to progress spiritually as your will be more inclined towards spiritual learning and get involved in religious activities. Those who are singles and looking for marriage will be finding their soul mates or getting married toward the latter half of 2016. Good time to make investments especially in properties in the months of Sept, Oct and Nov of 2016. One of your close relative from the maternal side may pass away by beginning of 2017.

Please Heed

The transit effects of Rahu-Ketu aligned here are the upshots of combining the Western and Vedic systems of astrology. Here Sun sign has been taken in to consideration (Western System) as the base while the movement of Rahu-Ketu transit is taken in to consideration based on Vedic system of astrology with Lahiri’s Ayanamsa. I am open for discussions about the technical aspects of modus operandi applied here. Also I warmly welcome the views and suggestions from my esteemed readers about the writings in these pages or the above post in specific.